WOW, what a well attended and vocal session. This session was mostly visited by infrastructure guys, with a smattering of dev folks, turns out the Tech-Ed time table was against us there, but there's talks about repeating this session with SA developer.
Why was this session successful? Some of the feedback I've had included "It was great to be heard and to voice an opinion". It seems that the interactive sessions I've been part of or have hosted have been the most regarded ones by the audience.
First of all a big thank you to those who publicly spoke about their experiences, including Gary Irwin, who contributed substantially about how dev and infrastructure teams collaborate in his company. The same thanks goes to Simon Wilkinson, who contributed from a developer point of view. Lastly Nolan Waldhausen and Tinus van Staden shared as their experiences as IT managers. Without folks like these we wouldn't have had the real life experiences to take this talk out of the theoretical and what could be done, into the practical reality of how companies are dealing with this challenge every day.
Lastly though, thank you to everyone who attended. Without you, this session would not have worked, and Zlatan and I appreciate everyone who squeezed into the room, sat on the floor when the chairs ran out, and made a great contribution!